Relationship Troubles?
Try A Marriage Intensive
A marriage intensive include the following elements:
– ways to truly understand your individual way of feeling loved
– the everyday habits that undermine growing together
– empowers couples to emerge with a better understanding of themselves and each other
– build a stronger, more passionate bond
If the relationship you have with your spouse is strained and defined more by being room mates than passion . . . if you love each other deeply but are not deeply connecting in love . . . if you feel that something’s missing or is no longer there . . . then you could be experiencing or have even heard your spouse say: I Love You, But . . .
Marriage Intensives are 3 days, 4 days, and 5 days in length depending on your situation and the time you have to get away and focus on each other without any distractions.
Discover how to:
• Argue productively and address the core of the issue without causing damage
• Employ the trigger words for more effective communication
• How to start healing the hurt in your marriage and rebuild trust and intimacy again
• Find a balance between being fulfilled as an individual and being one half of a couple
• Discover if the I Love You But I’m Not In Love With You Anymore is simply a symptom of a workable problem
• How to get your spouse to find you irresistibly desirable
• Take your sex life to a deeper level of intimacy
• Create new bonds instead of searching for the old ones
There’s nothing worse than watching your spouse to check out or even leave you alone and feeling helpless to stop them. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Sometimes a hurting marriage needs more than just an hour a week.
Our marriage intensive is for couples in severe crisis situations—for instance, those on the brink of divorce—as well as couples who require in-depth counseling or may simply find themselves stuck and needing help progressing in their relationship.
This safe environment helps break down communication obstacles, uncover hidden barriers, and move you quickly to uncover the root cause and core issues so you can move forward and not keep coming back to this same place again and again.
Our carefully designed approach frequently results in initial breakthroughs and long-term change—you will not only find yourselves on the right track after your marriage intensive, but you will have been given the knowledge and tools, and skills to stay there.
While intensives involve four to five hours of sessions a day, we build in plenty of free time, reflective time, privacy, and one-on-one spouse quality time during the day.